
Friday, May 31, 2019

My information report on Lions

In writing I have been learning about information reports, we got to chose an animal or a natural disaster. I chose a Lion, I learnt about their Habitat, Diet, Endangerment and some other interesting facts. This is  work in progress so please leave comments and feedback of what I can improve on. What did you learn about Lions from reading my report?

Friday, May 17, 2019

 I made this animation with Ajay It is not finished yet!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

                                      Mind swapping story

BEEP BEEP went to my phone It was Liam texting me to come to the skatepark. I said, “ I will be on my way.” Five minutes later… I got there and we did some really cool tricks. Then I fell into a bush and I landed on something hard. I sat up and saw it was a metal box. It said DO NOT OPEN! OR YOU WILL BE SORRY… I said to Liam “Woah should I open it?” “YEA!” said Liam. I broke it open, and I accidentally pushed a red button it said “NOW YOU ARE GOING TO SWITCH BODYS” There was a huge flash of light and when we woke up we did not feel so good. “WOAH WE HAVE SWITCHED BODYS” exclaimed Liam. “Woah my voice has changed and I am taller,” I said in an excited voice. I ran to my scooter and I was a lot better at scootering when I’m in Liam’s body. About 20 minutes later we decided to go back to my house, I said to my mum “Hey Mum, it’s me Blake but I’m in LIAM’S BODY!” I exclaimed. No, you are not quit playing around Liam! Said my Mum “ok let’s go back to the skatepark when we got back we decided to do a running race to the skatepark I forgot that Liam was really fast and I’m in his body. I won the running race only because I was in Liam's body. We bring a basketball down to the skatepark and played basketball for 20 minutes then something bad happened… I got a hoop in and the ball bounced back and it hit Liam straight in the head I decided to do something smart I grabbed the Mind swappy thingy and I tried to switch back but we already switched once so I had to think of something else there was a kid with black glasses and a white dress and a red tie I thought he could help, I asked him “hey can you help me and my friend switch back bodies?” I said Sure! Said The nerd, Then the nerd said this weird spell “CHANG CHU WALL BINGBING!” then WOOSH another flash of light and Liam and I were back in the same body, we both went home and told our parents about the CRAZY day!

Friday, May 10, 2019

My Maori Animation

Ajay and I have been making a animation together and it is really long. Comment if you wish

Monday, May 6, 2019