
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Legendary Matariki

In SOL (Student Organise Learning) we have been learning about Matariki. We could choose a DLO I chose to do an animation because I like creating them. Do you know how many stars are there in the Matariki constellation? This is work a in progress so leave comments and suggestions of how I can improve.

Monday, June 24, 2019


I chose this topic because I like food and we eat a lot of it
and we wouldn't survive without it.

Mean: 6.8

Median 1,4,8,9,12

mode: 1

Friday, June 7, 2019

My Chicken site

This is my information report on chickens for my Inquiry, our job is to pick an animal and research it. I chose the chicken because there are more chickens than people on earth and they can remember over 100 different faces of animals! This is work in progress so please comment on what I can improve on. Thank you, I hope you learn a lot about Chickens.