
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Radical Reading

When reading a book, have you ever been curious about something you were reading, and wanted to find out more to help you understand what you were reading better?  We have been learning about how important this is this week in Literacy.

When we read The Magic School Bus inside the human body’ I formed some advanced questions using ‘how’ and ‘why’.  I made sure they were open-ended questions that would help me understand the book more.  An example of one of my questions was “Why are intestines coiled up?’ and I then researched and found out that an adults intestine is 7.5m long, so it needs to coil up so that it fits in the body.

Next, we got to choose our own book to read out of our virtual library and we had to form 3 advanced questions about it.  Ours create task this week was to share these in a creative way.  I chose to do it with Google Drawing and it was about a book called ‘Wild boy

I really enjoyed this task as it made me realise how important it is to do this when reading to understand the text better.

Do you ever do further research when you are reading a book to deepen your understanding?

Monday, June 29, 2020

Beautiful Book

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers! This week in literacy we have been learning about fractured fairytales and we got to make one and here's the link to my book. It was really fun making books and you can too! If you sign up at book creator you can make awesome books! Have you made a book? What's your book?

Friday, June 19, 2020

Wonderful work

Kia Readers and Bloggers! This term we have been learning about global issues. we could choose out of Global issues, pollution, Racism, War, Poverty, global warming and much more! I chose poverty cause whenever I'm out in the city I see lots of homeless people getting about a dollar a day sometimes and I think that needs to stop.
Kia ora Readers and Bloggers again, This week our maths group has been learning about angles! Today we had to make an angle robot on google draw. We had to find 5 different angles acute, obtuse, straight and reflex. Do you know about angles? What's your favourite angle to measure?

Friday, June 12, 2020

Ironic comic

Kia ora Readers and Bloggers, Today we were learning about irony and we had to make a comic. We had to choose a few people to work with I chose Fletcher and Hamish. Our animation was about I was going to chuck a water balloon at fletcher but he was scared of water so he jumped in the pool even though he's scared of water! Have you learnt about irony?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Amazing Angles

                                                       Kia ora readers and bloggers!
Today We were learning about angles! In our task, we had to make our name with a protracter and then we had to find angles in our names. We had to find 5 different angles in our names acute, obtuse, right angle, reflex angle and a straight angle. Have you learnt about angles? What's your favourite to lean?

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Perfect Piggy Castle

Kia ora Readers and Bloggers! Today in literacy we were learning about fractured fairytales. It was lots of fun making it, here's a picture of my story mountain 
The story was a bit different... I think we have all heard of the normal three little pigs but in this story 2 of the pigs got eaten then the last pig called Red Riding hood and she shot the big bad wolf with a pistol! Have you read one of Roald dahls twisted Rhymes? Whats your favourite one?

Awesome Angles

Kia ora bloggers,

For numeracy today, we have started to learn about angles. 

We learnt about 3 different angles today - acute (less than 90°), right angle (90°), and obtuse (larger than 90° but smaller than 180°).  We also learnt how to use a protractor to measure angles.  We know that we need to measure an angle from a vertice (a corner where two straight lines meet).

For our create task, we had to measure three different angles on the first letter of our name - can you figure out if they are acute, right angle or obtuse?