
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Pakistan the perfect country

Hello and welcome to my Pakistan Project. This term in Davos literacy we have been learning about countries.  we got to choose any country we wanted. I chose Pakistan, at first I didn't know a lot about Pakistan until I started to research. Did you know that Pakistan has a population of 220,892,340 people and It is 5th on the world population. Here's my link to my project. 

I hope you like my project. Have you made a google earth project? What was it about?

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Terrific Tessilation!

 kia ora readers and bloggers! This week I have been learning about tessellations! Tessellations are revolving patterns with different patterns.  When you make tessellations you can't have any spaces in between the shapes. 

My tesselation has three shapes in it can you see them? If you can't ill name them a triangle a square and a diamond! Have you made a tesselation before? What shapes did you use?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Happy Hangi Animation

G'day Readers and bloggers! This week we have been looking at hangis! If you don't know what a hangi is watch the animation or listen to my boring writing. I reckon you should watch the animation it looks really cool and easy to watch. I haven't finished my animation just yet but I will be updating it. Have you ever made an animation? What was the topic about? I'll see you next time.

Terrific Tā-moko


Kia Ora Ko Blake Toku ingoa, we have been learning a lot about New Zealand culture this term we had a choice to pick one of three Maori cultures the Haka, Korowai, and Tā-moko. I chose Tā-moko, it is a traditional Māori tattoo used to respect there tribe and Māori There is more info down below.