
Friday, September 3, 2021

Fun Fencing And Farming

Hi readers and bloggers, most of New Zealand has gone into level 3! Hopefully, we go to level 2, and then we can all go back to school because I want to go and see my friends! Every week in Toroa we have to pick out an inquiry task, I did this task on different ways to protect our waterways and make it into a poster. Make sure to read my poster and give feedback. What do you know about New Zealand's waterways? Bye!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Marvellous Memories


Hi readers and bloggers, we have been in lockdown for 9 to 10 days now! In Toroa we have been using google meet again. It's kinda cool cause I still get to see my friends. In Mr Gillstroms literacy yesterday we wrote about our favorite memories. I wrote about the time I went to America with my family, we went around 2015 and it was the best holiday! I wrote about all the fun things I did in America so feel free to leave a comment! Have you ever been out of New Zealand? Where have you been? I'll see you again, bye!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Lockdown Learning


Hi readers and bloggers, were back to online learning in lockdown! At school before lockdown, we were learning about water like where it comes from and pollution in the water. One of our tasks in lockdown is to create an animation about pollution and how were causing it. I hope you like my animation. Do you like online learning?

Friday, July 9, 2021

Cool Matariki Kite

Hi Readers and Bloggers Happy Matariki! On the 2 July, we celebrated the Māori New Year, a time to consider the year ahead. The days are starting to lengthen and spring will soon be here, we just need to get through this cold winter first! 

Matariki and the Pleiades star cluster, have got many stories attached to them. We looked at two; one about how Ranginui and Papatuanuku were separated by Tāne Mahuta, and how Tāwhirimatea was so angry he ripped out his eyes and threw thunderbolts to the sky, creating the cluster, and another story about 7 sisters making kites, and them going to the sky. Ururangi’s kite was different from the rest, it was rainbow coloured. We have mixed these two stories to create the design of our kites.

My kite has a Maori face to represent strength and I have put a spear to represent fearless and strong.  The colours for the background of my kite is red gold and green.

Have you made a Matariki kite before? What did you draw? I'll see you next time.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Happy Hokey Pokey


Hi Readers and Bloggers, in Mr shaws numeracy we have been doing measurements. And this week we have been doing baking.  Our group was Coll Tuari Jayden and I. We made hokey pokey with chocolate on top. Our first batch was completely burnt... but the second batch was perfectly golden brown kinda.
We used a bit too much chocolate on top but it still tasted good. Have you done any baking? What did you bake? I'll see you next time!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Mindful Matariki

Kia ora readers and bloggers, This term in toroa we have been doing printing. we had to make a cool Matariki art using a piece of foam. You have to draw the stars and mountains onto a piece of foam and then you have to use printing paint to print it on. Then you have to put the foam onto a piece of paper and then you would get a cool looking piece of art.

Here is my work. 

I hope you liked my work. I put a lot of effort into it so I hope you liked it. I think that I did my best. 

My question for you is have you ever seen the Matariki Cluster? If you have comment down below.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Magnificent Measurements

Hi Readers and bloggers, this term in Mr Shaw math were doing perimeter, area and volume. If you don't know how to do it. I have put a slide on my post and you can look at it to learn how to do it. Were also making a 3 x 6 cardboard house. Have you learned how to do measurements? I'll see you guys later bye!!


Friday, May 21, 2021

Eggcellent egg drop

 Hi, readers and bloggers today we did an egg drop challenge as part of STEAM at school. We had to make a contraption to stop the egg from breaking when we dropped it in from the top of the maker space.

All we had to make it was paper, tape, a bit of card, string, and a plastic bag.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Horrible Holocaust

 Kia ora readers and bloggers, This term in Mr Gilstroms Literacy We have been reading a book called Once. The book is about a Jewish boy called Felix and he was in an orphanage and he had a carrot in his soup and he thought it was a sign from his parents coming back, he also ran away from the orphanage and a Nazi soldier tried to shoot at him because he used him as target practice, saw a truck going by full with half-naked people, saw a red river and a lot more ill try not to spoil it! Felix has a different way of looking at things, he had a wild imagination and made everything positive. I have made a Website on The holocaust one for the many concentration camps in the world I have linked it to a photo of my website.

Our task was to make a google site and come up with questions starting with Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. My ones were Who built and discovered the camps, What Did The Jewish People Wear In The Camps, When Did The Holocaust Start And End, Where Was the concentration Camps Located? Why did Hitler choose to kill the jews? And how could you tell who is Jewish and who is not?

Then we had to make some connections with the world and the book "Once". Like the feeling of getting lost. What would you do if you were put in a concentration camp? bye bloggers!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Magnificent Minecraft


Kia ora readers and bloggers, This week we have been doing problem-solving in shaw math one of the problems was there is one big pirate ship and a small dingy. The dingy can pick up one pirate and one treasure or two pirates. There are also 4 treasure chests on the island. how many trips do you need to do? Bye, I'll see you again next time!

Friday, March 19, 2021

Super Scratch Game

Kia ora readers and bloggers, This week we have been learning about the weather in Maori. Click on the dinosaur for it to answer a question. Then click on the sun, snowman, or rain to answer what is the weather. 
How many words do you know for the weather in Maori? I´ll see you next time!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Yanny or Laurel


Kia ora readers, and bloggers This week we have been learning about the "Yanny or Laurel" Have you heard it before? Well if you have or haven't I'm going to tell you facts about it and how it works. 

Yanny or laurel, what do you hear? I’m sure you have seen the Blue or the gold dress but have you heard the yanny or laurel. It’s all over the internet and I’m going to be telling you facts about it and how it works.

Professor David Alais says the Yanny/laurel is an example of a perceptually ambiguous stimulus. Meaning something can be understood in two different ways. Often you can hear one word one minute, then hear the other because of the frequency changes.

If you lower the frequency of the sound you will have a higher chance of hearing “Laurel” but if you make the frequency higher you can hear “yanny” ”Yally”. If you have your sound quite low you will hear laurel but if you have the sound playing on a speaker you could hear yanny because of the bass frequency.  It also depends on what music you listen to if you listen to pop you can hear yanny but if you listen to rock you will hear laurel because the laurel is in the low frequency and for yanny, it’s in the high frequency.

I think it’s a weird topic to talk about because its different for everyone so it’s everyone’s got different opinions and some people can hear better or worse than everyone else. When I listened to the audio I heard the “laurel” and “yanny” so I would hear laurel one minute then yanny the next.

I hope you like my writing about Yanny or Laurel. What do you hear? Yanny or Laurel?

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Keeping ourselves safe

 Kia ora readers and bloggers, Today is Wednesday and on Wednesday is tech and when we get back from tech do an activity call KOS meaning Keep Ourselves Safe and we had to do a situation were a kid bullying another kid and what would you do in the situation? would you help them up? or try and hurt the other kid? I'll see you next time!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Magnificent Maori POV

Kia ora readers and bloggers, Today we have made a POV about the Maori or the British when they came to New Zealand or if you were doing Maori if you were already living on New Zealand and the British were taking the land. We used Voki do create our DLO. I have linked it on the word voki. I'll see you next time!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Terrific Tā moko

 Kia ora readers and bloggers. Welcome to my blog, this week we have been doing Tā moko. Tā moko is a cultural tattoo worn by māori. we used canva to do our dlo and do a poster on tā moko. Take a quick look and you can learn something from my poster. What did you learn? Iĺl see you next time.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Cool Canva

Kia ora readers and bloggers! Every Wednesday we have tech in Toroa, and when we get back we do KOS your probably wondering what does KOS stand for. KOS stands for Keep Ourselves Safe so we had to do different situations if you home alone and someones banging on your door. what would you do in this situation? I'll see you next time!!  


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Legit Lego portrait!

Kia ora readers and bloggers, this week we have been drawing self-portraits but we did a little twist, we did LEGO CHARACTER!!!! my character has a grey beanie black jeans and a blue absent hoodie. Toroa just got back from camp and it was so fun!!! Have you made self-portrait before? what style did you use? I'll see you next time bye!!!!


All About me

Hi readers and bloggers, today we had to write about ourselves, we used Canva to create our DLO and it was fun using it. I'm going to tell you a bit about myself, I love football, I've been jet skiing since I was 10 and my favourite thing to do is gaming. What's your favourite hobby or food or something about you? see you next time!!!

Perfect Pepeha


Kia ora readers and bloggers! Today I made and learned my pepeha! I used Adobe spark to make my pepeha and it's really fun! what you have to do is split-screen then write text and add an image oh and also you need to do a voice-over. Have you learned you Pepeha off by heart? If you don't how much do you know of it

Monday, February 15, 2021

Happy high ropes

Kia ora and happy holiday, at our last camp, we had lots of fun with heaps of activities including kayaking, code-breaking, coasteering, orienteering, high ropes, a campfire, and lastly a couple of games of Spotlight. my favorite part of camp was High ropes because it gives you adrenaline rushes and it's fun pushing yourself to gain your confidence level and how high you want to achieve. I hope you have a good day bye bye!!