
Friday, February 26, 2021

Terrific Tā moko

 Kia ora readers and bloggers. Welcome to my blog, this week we have been doing Tā moko. Tā moko is a cultural tattoo worn by māori. we used canva to do our dlo and do a poster on tā moko. Take a quick look and you can learn something from my poster. What did you learn? Iĺl see you next time.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Cool Canva

Kia ora readers and bloggers! Every Wednesday we have tech in Toroa, and when we get back we do KOS your probably wondering what does KOS stand for. KOS stands for Keep Ourselves Safe so we had to do different situations if you home alone and someones banging on your door. what would you do in this situation? I'll see you next time!!  


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Legit Lego portrait!

Kia ora readers and bloggers, this week we have been drawing self-portraits but we did a little twist, we did LEGO CHARACTER!!!! my character has a grey beanie black jeans and a blue absent hoodie. Toroa just got back from camp and it was so fun!!! Have you made self-portrait before? what style did you use? I'll see you next time bye!!!!


All About me

Hi readers and bloggers, today we had to write about ourselves, we used Canva to create our DLO and it was fun using it. I'm going to tell you a bit about myself, I love football, I've been jet skiing since I was 10 and my favourite thing to do is gaming. What's your favourite hobby or food or something about you? see you next time!!!

Perfect Pepeha


Kia ora readers and bloggers! Today I made and learned my pepeha! I used Adobe spark to make my pepeha and it's really fun! what you have to do is split-screen then write text and add an image oh and also you need to do a voice-over. Have you learned you Pepeha off by heart? If you don't how much do you know of it

Monday, February 15, 2021

Happy high ropes

Kia ora and happy holiday, at our last camp, we had lots of fun with heaps of activities including kayaking, code-breaking, coasteering, orienteering, high ropes, a campfire, and lastly a couple of games of Spotlight. my favorite part of camp was High ropes because it gives you adrenaline rushes and it's fun pushing yourself to gain your confidence level and how high you want to achieve. I hope you have a good day bye bye!!