
Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Horrible Holocaust

 Kia ora readers and bloggers, This term in Mr Gilstroms Literacy We have been reading a book called Once. The book is about a Jewish boy called Felix and he was in an orphanage and he had a carrot in his soup and he thought it was a sign from his parents coming back, he also ran away from the orphanage and a Nazi soldier tried to shoot at him because he used him as target practice, saw a truck going by full with half-naked people, saw a red river and a lot more ill try not to spoil it! Felix has a different way of looking at things, he had a wild imagination and made everything positive. I have made a Website on The holocaust one for the many concentration camps in the world I have linked it to a photo of my website.

Our task was to make a google site and come up with questions starting with Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. My ones were Who built and discovered the camps, What Did The Jewish People Wear In The Camps, When Did The Holocaust Start And End, Where Was the concentration Camps Located? Why did Hitler choose to kill the jews? And how could you tell who is Jewish and who is not?

Then we had to make some connections with the world and the book "Once". Like the feeling of getting lost. What would you do if you were put in a concentration camp? bye bloggers!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Magnificent Minecraft


Kia ora readers and bloggers, This week we have been doing problem-solving in shaw math one of the problems was there is one big pirate ship and a small dingy. The dingy can pick up one pirate and one treasure or two pirates. There are also 4 treasure chests on the island. how many trips do you need to do? Bye, I'll see you again next time!