
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Happy Hokey Pokey


Hi Readers and Bloggers, in Mr shaws numeracy we have been doing measurements. And this week we have been doing baking.  Our group was Coll Tuari Jayden and I. We made hokey pokey with chocolate on top. Our first batch was completely burnt... but the second batch was perfectly golden brown kinda.
We used a bit too much chocolate on top but it still tasted good. Have you done any baking? What did you bake? I'll see you next time!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Mindful Matariki

Kia ora readers and bloggers, This term in toroa we have been doing printing. we had to make a cool Matariki art using a piece of foam. You have to draw the stars and mountains onto a piece of foam and then you have to use printing paint to print it on. Then you have to put the foam onto a piece of paper and then you would get a cool looking piece of art.

Here is my work. 

I hope you liked my work. I put a lot of effort into it so I hope you liked it. I think that I did my best. 

My question for you is have you ever seen the Matariki Cluster? If you have comment down below.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Magnificent Measurements

Hi Readers and bloggers, this term in Mr Shaw math were doing perimeter, area and volume. If you don't know how to do it. I have put a slide on my post and you can look at it to learn how to do it. Were also making a 3 x 6 cardboard house. Have you learned how to do measurements? I'll see you guys later bye!!