
Friday, July 27, 2018

Sri Chinmoy race My Dad came into my room and woke me up and said “you have a run to do.” I was nervous. I got my running gear on and went into the lounge and ate weet-bix for breakfast’ and after that I brushed my teeth. later we all hopped in my dad’s car and drove to sumner. Once we got there my brother and I did some stretches and got ready to run. Then a man said “3,2,1” Then a air horn went off. The race started and everyone was off! I was coming in 2nd place then this kid past me. I kept hearing footsteps behind me so I kept looking back. I reached the end then I had to run back, I wanted to stop because I was sore but I really wanted a bronze medal. My Legs were like jelly but I saw the finish line but I remembered you have to keep going I kept jogging and turned around and ran down the finishing shoot and my mum was screaming at me “KEEP GOING” so I ran even faster I started to lose balance but I finished and hopped over the fence to my parents and flopped on the grass. After I did a warm down. After that I got some steamed pudding it was a special breakfast just for the kids that ran. I thought It was going to get apple crumble. After that they called us over to receive a medal so we all came over and a man called out “Blake Wilson 3rd place then they called out 2nd place then “Liam Wilson 1st place.” after that they did a lucky draw I didn’t get anything but I wore my medal with pride.

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