
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

                                                                  Living Springs
                                                               The Monorail was really fun! I had to wait 10 minutes of more.

                                                                I was scared of the bugs. When I went to wash my hands                                                                                                                     there was a HUGE bug I jumped with fear and ran to the                                                                                                                       other sink and there was another HUGE bug I thought to myself and                                                                                                starred it in the eyes and went to a different sink 

                                                                                     I didn't like the walk because it was HOT!😥 I thought my arms and legs                                                                                       would fall off and melt, But I pushed through the pain in my legs.

                                                                             THE END!!


  1. Kia ora Blake!
    What an awesome overview/thing/sorry, anyway I really enjoyed reading this, I know exactly how you felt! Haha! You could possibly fix up the thing and how it goes
    Anyway, nice work!
    - Isabella

  2. Kia ora Blake. I was interested to read your blog about camp. I had heard that the walk on the first day was very hot. Good to read that you pushed through the pain in your legs. You could make this more useful to your readers by saying how you pushed through the pain. For example, when I am trying to push through pain when I exercise, I usually say positive comments in my head like "come on', you can do it!"
    Do you do anything like that?


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