
Sunday, December 6, 2020

Vibrant Virtual Classroom


Kia ora readers and bloggers, This week we have been making books about 2020 for toroa. in Toroa it has been a year full of activities like surfing, camp, sailing, winter sport and so much more! If you click on the book my characters holding it will take you to my poem/book about 2020. we had to make a rhyming book and I really enjoyed it. Have you made a book before? What was it about? I'll see you next time!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Pakistan the perfect country

Hello and welcome to my Pakistan Project. This term in Davos literacy we have been learning about countries.  we got to choose any country we wanted. I chose Pakistan, at first I didn't know a lot about Pakistan until I started to research. Did you know that Pakistan has a population of 220,892,340 people and It is 5th on the world population. Here's my link to my project. 

I hope you like my project. Have you made a google earth project? What was it about?

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Terrific Tessilation!

 kia ora readers and bloggers! This week I have been learning about tessellations! Tessellations are revolving patterns with different patterns.  When you make tessellations you can't have any spaces in between the shapes. 

My tesselation has three shapes in it can you see them? If you can't ill name them a triangle a square and a diamond! Have you made a tesselation before? What shapes did you use?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Happy Hangi Animation

G'day Readers and bloggers! This week we have been looking at hangis! If you don't know what a hangi is watch the animation or listen to my boring writing. I reckon you should watch the animation it looks really cool and easy to watch. I haven't finished my animation just yet but I will be updating it. Have you ever made an animation? What was the topic about? I'll see you next time.

Terrific Tā-moko


Kia Ora Ko Blake Toku ingoa, we have been learning a lot about New Zealand culture this term we had a choice to pick one of three Maori cultures the Haka, Korowai, and Tā-moko. I chose Tā-moko, it is a traditional Māori tattoo used to respect there tribe and Māori There is more info down below. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Super storyboard


G'day readers and bloggers, Its the first week back at school!!! In literacy, we made a storyboard about a movie we watched called Escape from Wildcat Mountain. It was really cool! We had to do three images first was Man vs nature Man vs self and Man vs man. Look at my cool photos and give me feedback. You should make a really cool storyboard there really fun. Have you made a storyboard? How long ago did you make and try to recreate it? I'll see you next time!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Rad Rockets!

 Hey bloggers, I made a movie on our rocket with my group. My group contains Tayla, Fletcher, Ajay, Zoe, Brock, Billy, Henry and of course me. our rocket is made of 2 1.5 litre bottles fins and weight. Check out our video and give us some feedback on our video. Have you ever made a bottle rocket? How far did it fly?

Charming crystals

G'day bloggers, This week we have been making crystals. We made a sugar, salt and a borax crystal.
On the site, it tells you a lot about crystals like the hypotheses, materials and procedure and more!
if you click on the image it takes you to the slide. If you want to check it out, please do and give feedback on whats wrong. Have you made crystals before? What have you made it out of? I'll see you next time! 


Super Sign Language


G'day bloggers, On Wednesday we had to record us saying our name in sign language and also we had to say my name what then your name. You say what because you can't say is in sign language. We also played this game called Sign Ninjas. I got 200 points but then I clicked the little X and I found out later that you need to sign in to save your progress and I also had a yellow belt. The game helps you learn names sentences fruits and food and colours.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Super scientific report

G'day bloggers, This week we have been learning about witch solute dissolves quicker in water the results were Citric Acid dissolved first, Sugar second, Salt third, Flour, cornflour and sand did not dissolve at all. My hypotheses were right saying citric acid will win. What do you think would dissolve first? I'll see you next time! 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Big Bad Wolf?

After wolves reintroduced from the extinction,  they began a trophic cascade to help Yellowstone to have a life again and scare off the elk moose and deer. I think it was a great decision to bring back the wolves.

In France, the wolf populations in the wild jumped. In France last year They were on a wicked hunt and killed off lots of livestock and I think they could have the name The Big Bad Wolf!?

I think wolves are fearsome and awesome and a good idea to reintroduce the wolves into Yellowstone so the greenery would regrow and the leaves on the tree.
Do you like wolves? What do you like about them?

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Rude Rubbish

G'day Bloggers, Today I am sharing with you some of my photos from my coding video about not littering. I decided to make bits of rubbish on each side and with a rubbish bin in the middle saying remember to recycle. Also, the rubbish says to click on me and once you click it, it goes in the bin. This message is for everyone who has been littering and they have to stop. because animals will eat it and they can't digest it so they try and swallow it and choke and die sadly. But I will see you next time!

Friday, August 28, 2020

Magnificent Minecraft

Did you know there are more than 10,000 hydrothermal features in Yellowstone? The four types of thermal features are geysers, hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles. G'day readers and bloggers! This week in literacy we got to play Minecraft!!! we had to make the Yellow stone national park. Had to do to two different versions of Yellow stone park with and without foxes I did the version without the foxes. I did the version without foxes.

Do you like Minecraft? What do you like building on Minecraft? ill see you next time!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Super duper Samoan

Talofa bloggers,

Since the start of the year, we have been learning Samoan.  This is my virtual classroom where I have put all my learning for you to also learn from.  If you hover over items in my classroom, a hyperlink will pop up for you to click on.
In my classroom you will learn about:
Samoa as a country
Link to a traditional dance video
Basic greetings
The alphabet
How to count 1-10
Information about Siapo - how it is created, some examples
An animation showing a simple conversation in Samoan

I hope you enjoy my classroom and I would really like to know what you enjoyed the most.


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Awful oil

G'day readers and bloggers! Oil is in and around our world, even in places you wouldn’t imagine. We use oil for cooking but we also use crude oil. The pumping and transporting of crude oil around the globe often have environmental effects. We have looked at various texts and videos to learn about some of these effects, and it ‘good’ timing as there was a recent oil spill (24 July 2020) in Mauritius that we could investigate.
Check out my video to learn more about oil, and see the simulation we did in class about cleaning oil from water.
Have you learned anything? Bye friends! see you next time

Monday, August 10, 2020

Powerful Parachute

G'day readers and bloggers! Today we are now Engineers I know it's pretty cool, today we had to construct a parachute from fabrics.  We added fabric on the top of the parachute so it keeps its shape.  When falling. We saw it fall faster before we changed it. After we changed it, it fell in 1.48 seconds. My group's parachute fell so fast because we had to tie to hex nuts to it. Sadly be didn't get to take a photo of our parachute but it will take a photo. Have you made a parachute? What did you make it out of? Bye, my friends! See you next time

Friday, July 24, 2020

Fizzy Wizzy tablet

G'day readers and Bloggers! Today we did some science experiments. Today we did an experiment with aspirin tablets on witch one would dissolve quicker a crushed up one or a whole one. We have to do a hypothesis on which one would dissolve quicker. I guessed the crushed up tablet would dissolve quicker and it did!! Have you done a science experiment before?
Bye guys stay safe.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Nice Number Patterns

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers! Have you guys had a good holiday! I have! Today we were learning about Inputs and outputs. We had to make an animation and you guys have to answer the rule! It does show you put you can still guess it.

I really enjoyed doing this task and learning about inputs and outputs and you can do it too!
Bye guys have a good day!

Friday, July 3, 2020

Cool Colours

Kia ora Bloggers and readers, Today we have been learning about southern lights. They only appear in the Antarctic, they appear because of the sun! little rocks come down to earth about 750 mph but the magnetic field stops the rocks from hitting the earth but some rocks get into the core and it projects a beautiful colour in the sky.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Radical Reading

When reading a book, have you ever been curious about something you were reading, and wanted to find out more to help you understand what you were reading better?  We have been learning about how important this is this week in Literacy.

When we read The Magic School Bus inside the human body’ I formed some advanced questions using ‘how’ and ‘why’.  I made sure they were open-ended questions that would help me understand the book more.  An example of one of my questions was “Why are intestines coiled up?’ and I then researched and found out that an adults intestine is 7.5m long, so it needs to coil up so that it fits in the body.

Next, we got to choose our own book to read out of our virtual library and we had to form 3 advanced questions about it.  Ours create task this week was to share these in a creative way.  I chose to do it with Google Drawing and it was about a book called ‘Wild boy

I really enjoyed this task as it made me realise how important it is to do this when reading to understand the text better.

Do you ever do further research when you are reading a book to deepen your understanding?

Monday, June 29, 2020

Beautiful Book

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers! This week in literacy we have been learning about fractured fairytales and we got to make one and here's the link to my book. It was really fun making books and you can too! If you sign up at book creator you can make awesome books! Have you made a book? What's your book?

Friday, June 19, 2020

Wonderful work

Kia Readers and Bloggers! This term we have been learning about global issues. we could choose out of Global issues, pollution, Racism, War, Poverty, global warming and much more! I chose poverty cause whenever I'm out in the city I see lots of homeless people getting about a dollar a day sometimes and I think that needs to stop.
Kia ora Readers and Bloggers again, This week our maths group has been learning about angles! Today we had to make an angle robot on google draw. We had to find 5 different angles acute, obtuse, straight and reflex. Do you know about angles? What's your favourite angle to measure?

Friday, June 12, 2020

Ironic comic

Kia ora Readers and Bloggers, Today we were learning about irony and we had to make a comic. We had to choose a few people to work with I chose Fletcher and Hamish. Our animation was about I was going to chuck a water balloon at fletcher but he was scared of water so he jumped in the pool even though he's scared of water! Have you learnt about irony?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Amazing Angles

                                                       Kia ora readers and bloggers!
Today We were learning about angles! In our task, we had to make our name with a protracter and then we had to find angles in our names. We had to find 5 different angles in our names acute, obtuse, right angle, reflex angle and a straight angle. Have you learnt about angles? What's your favourite to lean?

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Perfect Piggy Castle

Kia ora Readers and Bloggers! Today in literacy we were learning about fractured fairytales. It was lots of fun making it, here's a picture of my story mountain 
The story was a bit different... I think we have all heard of the normal three little pigs but in this story 2 of the pigs got eaten then the last pig called Red Riding hood and she shot the big bad wolf with a pistol! Have you read one of Roald dahls twisted Rhymes? Whats your favourite one?

Awesome Angles

Kia ora bloggers,

For numeracy today, we have started to learn about angles. 

We learnt about 3 different angles today - acute (less than 90°), right angle (90°), and obtuse (larger than 90° but smaller than 180°).  We also learnt how to use a protractor to measure angles.  We know that we need to measure an angle from a vertice (a corner where two straight lines meet).

For our create task, we had to measure three different angles on the first letter of our name - can you figure out if they are acute, right angle or obtuse?

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Lonely Joe

Kia ora bloggers,
This week for literacy we have been learning about inferencing and show not tell.  When we read something, we automatically start making inferences, so it is important when we write that we give clues in our writing that allow people to make inferences.  We want to show them - not tell them.
For example:  Paul was frustrated when he got to the bus stop and realised he had just missed the bus.  But instead, I could write “Running as fast as he could, Paul turned the corner only to see the back of the bus as it pulled away.  Throwing his bag down on the ground and sighing out loud, Paul realised that he had no choice, but to sit and wait for the next bus to arrive - 20 minutes from now”  You can infer from me saying ‘throwing his bag down and sighing out loud’ that he is frustrated.
Our task was to create a video that accompanied a piece of writing about an elderly man.  We used Adobe Spark to do this.  
Have a look at my video and see if you can make some inferences about what I have written.
Do you think the elderly man is happy?

Awesome Orientating

Hi Bloggers,

For numeracy this week, we have been learning about grid references and we have been working on 4 and 6 digit grid references.

We learnt that we read across the bottom of the grid first (Eastlings) and then up the side second (Northlings). 

Our task today was to look at an aerial map of our school, write down the 6 digit grid references for the letters that our teacher had put on it, and then go in hunt of those points.  At each point, there were 1 or 2 letters.  Once we had them all, we had to come back into the hub and unscramble the letters to figure out what it spelt.  The secret sentence was ‘Happy Birthday Zoe’.

I really enjoyed the task.  Have you ever had to use grid references before in real life?  What was it for?

See you next time,

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Terric work

Kia ora Bloggers,

This week we have been looking carefully at making inferences when we read or watch something.  An inference is when we take clues from a text or image, and
What’s going on in this picture? Look closely at the image above or view it in a <a href="">larger size</a>, then tell us what you see by posting a comment. On Thursday afternoon, we will reveal more about the image and its origins at the bottom of this post.add them to our thoughts or prior knowledge and make an inference. 
For example,  when I look at this photo, I might make the inference that
this photo was taken in a food factory as everyone is wearing hair
nets and this is required in all food factories.

The text that we read a snippet out of was ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl.
Once we had read the first few chapters where they described the main characters, Mr and Mrs Twit, we then had to make some inferences based on the clues that Roald Dahl had given in the text.

I used Google Draw to create a display of my inferences I have made about Mr and Mrs Twit. 

Have you read The Twits before?  Do you agree with my inferences? What inferences would you make about the characters?

See you next time!

Buzzy Bee Bots!

Kia ora Bloggers,

For Numeracy this week we have been looking at compass directions.  We have worked on reading maps using the 8 main directions - North, South, East, West, North-East, South-East, North-West and South-West and then we moved onto using Beebots and our knowledge of compass directions to get a Beebot through the grid to various locations. We had to programme the Beebot with our own algorithm, using forwards, backwards, turn right, turn left and N, S, E, W.  It was important that we regularly tested our algorithm to check we didn’t need to de-bug (find a problem and fix it).

Here is an example of my algorithm: West 2 squares South 2 squares west 2 squares south 2 squares north 2 squares east 3 squares south 1 squares east 1 squares west 2 squares north 2 squares west 1 squares

Have you ever written an algorithm for something?  Have you ever had to use a compass for something?

Friday, May 15, 2020

Fabulous Friyay work

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers today for our friyay tasks I made a poster on all my six favorite vegas. It was really fun making it. Next week we go back to school! I am kind of sick of online learning. Do you like online learning?

Hi, I'm back! for our other friyay tasks we had to make an overweight pet. It was really fun making it! I used google drawing to make my overweight cat. How this cat moves around it rolls instead of walking cause its to fat! Do you have an overweight pet? what's its name? See you next time!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Blessed Soldier!

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers! This week we have been learning about Roald Dahl, particularly the book Going Solo! He went to Africa to work for The Shell Company and he has many adventures there. Some of these are really funny. He then joined the RAF to fly in WW2 I have recreated a part of the story where his plane crashes in the desert. He manages to survive although he is blinded by the crash and badly injured. He does get his sight back eventually. I had so much fun making this animation and I think it's one of my best animations. Have you made an animation? what is your favourite animation? see you next time!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Wonderful Work

Kia ora Readers and Bloggers, today I'm going to show you some of my work. In maths, we got to design our own dream house it was so fun! Have you designed your dream house?

For literacy, I made a Roald Dahl Animation with Fletcher It was really fun making it with him. The animation was about Why shouldn't try and run over a black mamba snake. Have you made an animation before? what is your favourite animation? See you next time!

Beautiful bird house

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers, Today I made a birdhouse it looks really cool! What materials you need is Cardboard, Tape, glue and wrapping paper! It was quite hard but I still completed it. Have you made a birdhouse? what have you made a birdhouse out of? 

Cool Colors

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers, Today for our friyay tasks we had to choose some activities. I chose this website called Color Push. It is really fun you have 90 seconds to make a cool painting. You should try it out. Have you tried Color Push? What's your favourite painting?

Friday, May 1, 2020

Super Stained Glass

Hey Readers and Bloggers! Today we had to do Friday activities. Today's activities were about tech.  one of the activities was to make custom stained glass, it's really fun! what you have to do is draw shapes on a piece of paper, then you colour it in, lastly, you put cooking oil on the back of the drawing then pat it with a paper towel. It looks really cool! Have you made custom stained glass? Is it fun? have a nice day and a nice lockdown!

Great Giraffe facts

Hey Bloggers and Readers! Today we had to do a blog post. I did my blog post on the work I had done this week. My work was on giraffes, We had to do an information report on giraffes have a quick read on my task. If you have any feedback please tell me it would be most appreciated have a nice day and a nice lockdown. Do you know facts about giraffes? What's your favourite animal?

Friday, April 24, 2020

Amazing Anzac

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers! Today I have been busy doing Anzac activities, There really fun! on the left It is as milk cartoon turned into a lantern It looks really cool! and on the right, it is a crossposter to represent the war and Anzac, Do you know stuff about Anzac? See you later!

Guess that emoji!

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers! Today I have been busy doing work and Google Meet calls, One of our activities was to create a guess the emoji slide! It's quite hard and fun too! We have been learning about Anzac too, do you know facts about Anzac? See you later!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Bliss Bubble Photos

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers! Today I have been busy doing video calls and activities! It's starting to get really fun, one of our activities was bubble photos. What we had to do is cut an empty toilet paper roll and put it over your camera so you get this cool bubble effect, then take a photo of something then done! You should try it yourself, what activities have you been doing? See you next time!