
Friday, April 17, 2020

Bliss Bubble Photos

Kia Ora Readers and Bloggers! Today I have been busy doing video calls and activities! It's starting to get really fun, one of our activities was bubble photos. What we had to do is cut an empty toilet paper roll and put it over your camera so you get this cool bubble effect, then take a photo of something then done! You should try it yourself, what activities have you been doing? See you next time!


  1. Hi Blake,
    I really like how you have a good vary of objects you have taken photos of. My favourite picture was the one that was a picture of you. Maybe next time you could put captions under the images for people who don't know what they are.

  2. Hello my name is Mathew, I go to Marshland school. I like your title bliss bubble photos. I think it is amazing and there is nothing wrong with it.that does look really cool I might do it myself.

  3. Hi Blake, well done! These photos really give me a bit of an image about how you spend your days in your bubble. What is one thing you will miss when we get out of lockdown? Mrs O


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