
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Should we build a wall?

                                                    Donald trump call

hello Donald trump I think we shouldn't build a wall between Mexico and America cause it will cost lots of money and once you don't be president anymore America and Mexico may like each other again and you don't like a big wall between countries.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2019



                                                       Bob was slow as a snail

                                                      John was as fast as a cheetah

                                                      Noah was cold as ice

                                                      Lucas was as small as an ant 

                                                      James was as big as a bear



Friday, December 6, 2019

Spring learning journey, Lorde

I did some facts about Lorde. This is one of the tasks of the summer learning journey. I used canva making this give me feedback and comment on my blog on what I can improve on I had lots of fun making this.

Friday, November 22, 2019


In korimako, we all had to do a speech. I did my speech on what would you do if you found $100 dollars on the ground. It was really scary going up and doing a speech. I think I did well with my speech, Comment and give mt feedback.

Friday, October 25, 2019

In Sutherland's literacy, we were making narratives. every day we had 10 minutes to plan and then 30 minutes to write the story, each day we had a different topic, I have two different stories and join them into one big story. This is a work in progress so comment and gives me feedback.

Friday, October 18, 2019

In Korimako hub we had to make goal ladders for term 4. firstly we had to choose what we want to be better at like reading, writing or maths. and the other one is for getting a certificate in celebration assembly. comment and give me feedback, please what is your goal for term 4?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Foods that I haven’t tried before Activity one.

This is one of the Uru manuka activities this is an activity on 10 healthy foods that I haven't tried before, comment and give me feedback.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Swamp Radio

I was blown away on how good the swamp Media was. I liked how it was formatted in groups, I was surprised when I did what premier league team I was, I chealsa and I don't like that team but I don't really care. In my opinion, I think you need to make that you can do it twice.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

In Mr Sutherland Literacy. We are reading The washing machine. in the story, It is about a little boy. And we had to do an ako task and fill it in. In the story, a little boy was treating the washing machine really badly and he ended up with 5 odd socks. comment and give me feedback.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

In Mr Sutherland literacy we had to do a movie review, I did it on the Jonah story. I did because Rugby is one of my favourite sports and Jonah was a rugby legend. And played for the all blacks rugby team.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Baby Hoatzin


In Mr Sutherland Literacy. We are reading Baby hoatzin. in the story, It is about a little chick. And we had to do an ako task and fill it in. In the story, a baby chick was getting chased by tree snakes. comment and give me feedback.

Monday, September 2, 2019

The amazing pets in korimako

In Mr Sutherland literacy. We are doing persuasive writing. For our persuasive writing our topic was on making a change in the classroom. I chose to have pets at school. Cause I love pets. Also, they can keep you company all the time when you are sad. And they can cuddle you every day. Comment and give me feedback if you wish.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A long lost father

In Mr Sutherland literacy We were doing a story about a father and daughter. Firstly we had to read the story. Then we got a sheet and we had to do an ako sheet. In the ako sheet, we had to write what happens next, a Wanted poster And a title on the story. Comment and give me feedback on what I can do better.



I am thankful for Football because it entertains me when I'm bored And I'm thankful for being good at it. I am also really thankful for my cat cause she gives me hugs and I like playing with her. I'm thankful for scooters cause I can get around fast and I can do tricks on it.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bart and Orillve

In Mr Sutherland literacy we were doing a reading task about Bart and orillive. Bart is a boy with a cat called orillve. The cat gets hit by a car then Bart made him an orillvecopter I made my own orillvecopter check it out and comment and give me feedback, please.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Brawn vs Brain

In Mr Sutherland Literacy we were learning about persuasive writing. For our writing, we did it about brain vs brawn. I chose brawn over brain because you can earn a lot of money, And you can get a scholarship. Please coment on this and tell me if I need any feedback.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Similes and metaphor

In Sutherland reading, we where doing language features we had to do the meaning of the internet than in our own words give me some feedback and comment on what I can do better

Thursday, August 1, 2019

In Mr Sutherland writing we have been learning about Persuasive writing first we had to make a copy our teacher has sent us. Then we had to fill in the hole thing and after we did that  we were allowed to make it all colourful and pretty. This is a work in progress. Please give us feedback and please give us feedback.

In Mr Sutherland W1q`AS

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Book cover The Explorer

In Sutherland writing we were doing book covers I chose The Explorer it is a great book it is really interesting and scary, Four children got stranded on an island and they are alone on an island I recommend this book because it is so addicting and so cool give me some feedback please comment.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Favorite sport

In miss wood hams maths we were doing google forms I did favourite sport fill it out and give me feedback on what to work on

Friday, July 5, 2019

My Sick Cat

                                           My Sick Cat 

Meow!!! “What was that noise?” Liam whispered. “I don't know Blake whispered”. We slowly crept down the hallway and slowly opened the door and we saw my cat sitting there screeching and puking we thought how are we going to help her. “I think we should take her to the vet”. We crept to Blake’s parent's bedroom and we said we are taking Fleur to the vet on our RAZORS. Why did Mum explain? Fleur is sick! And we are really responsible children. So can we please borrow $190.00. We will be back in 1-hour bye! We put Fleur in her cage and I will carry Fleur on my razor! We put the garage door down and scooted to the vet. We sat down and waited until they took us in. We waited a few minutes then they said “Blake and Liam” We took her in a small room and said what was wrong with Fleur. The doctor said, “how long has this been happening”? Said the Doctor “Since we woke up”! We said, “What's wrong with her”? Said the Doctor “She has been puking and sneezing non-stop”. “Take this medicine and put it in her food 1 day”. Ok, thank you very much”. Liam and Blake went back home and feed Fleur her food and put one pill in it. She came over to her bowl and sniffed it then she gobbled it all up and then licked her lips. After that, we told her to go to bed and then she raced to her bed. The next day Fleur was all better.That night we heard a huge MEOW!!! “Oh no,” Liam said. 

In Mr Bell's reading group we had to make a narrative story. Liam and I came up with a story idea about my cat who was sick and changed it into a narrative story. This story is about my cat being sick and it is a real and a fake story, so some of it is made up and some is real. Please comment and give us feedback enjoy!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Legendary Matariki

In SOL (Student Organise Learning) we have been learning about Matariki. We could choose a DLO I chose to do an animation because I like creating them. Do you know how many stars are there in the Matariki constellation? This is work a in progress so leave comments and suggestions of how I can improve.

Monday, June 24, 2019


I chose this topic because I like food and we eat a lot of it
and we wouldn't survive without it.

Mean: 6.8

Median 1,4,8,9,12

mode: 1

Friday, June 7, 2019

My Chicken site

This is my information report on chickens for my Inquiry, our job is to pick an animal and research it. I chose the chicken because there are more chickens than people on earth and they can remember over 100 different faces of animals! This is work in progress so please comment on what I can improve on. Thank you, I hope you learn a lot about Chickens.

Friday, May 31, 2019

My information report on Lions

In writing I have been learning about information reports, we got to chose an animal or a natural disaster. I chose a Lion, I learnt about their Habitat, Diet, Endangerment and some other interesting facts. This is  work in progress so please leave comments and feedback of what I can improve on. What did you learn about Lions from reading my report?

Friday, May 17, 2019

 I made this animation with Ajay It is not finished yet!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

                                      Mind swapping story

BEEP BEEP went to my phone It was Liam texting me to come to the skatepark. I said, “ I will be on my way.” Five minutes later… I got there and we did some really cool tricks. Then I fell into a bush and I landed on something hard. I sat up and saw it was a metal box. It said DO NOT OPEN! OR YOU WILL BE SORRY… I said to Liam “Woah should I open it?” “YEA!” said Liam. I broke it open, and I accidentally pushed a red button it said “NOW YOU ARE GOING TO SWITCH BODYS” There was a huge flash of light and when we woke up we did not feel so good. “WOAH WE HAVE SWITCHED BODYS” exclaimed Liam. “Woah my voice has changed and I am taller,” I said in an excited voice. I ran to my scooter and I was a lot better at scootering when I’m in Liam’s body. About 20 minutes later we decided to go back to my house, I said to my mum “Hey Mum, it’s me Blake but I’m in LIAM’S BODY!” I exclaimed. No, you are not quit playing around Liam! Said my Mum “ok let’s go back to the skatepark when we got back we decided to do a running race to the skatepark I forgot that Liam was really fast and I’m in his body. I won the running race only because I was in Liam's body. We bring a basketball down to the skatepark and played basketball for 20 minutes then something bad happened… I got a hoop in and the ball bounced back and it hit Liam straight in the head I decided to do something smart I grabbed the Mind swappy thingy and I tried to switch back but we already switched once so I had to think of something else there was a kid with black glasses and a white dress and a red tie I thought he could help, I asked him “hey can you help me and my friend switch back bodies?” I said Sure! Said The nerd, Then the nerd said this weird spell “CHANG CHU WALL BINGBING!” then WOOSH another flash of light and Liam and I were back in the same body, we both went home and told our parents about the CRAZY day!

Friday, May 10, 2019

My Maori Animation

Ajay and I have been making a animation together and it is really long. Comment if you wish

Monday, May 6, 2019

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Mind/Body swapping machine.


This term in reading we are reading a book called BARKING MAD. Its a book about people swapping bodies a character called Finn/fingers he swapped with his sister Sally and he found out that she liked Steve Swindon and hassled her. We had to make our own Mind/Body swapping machine on paper then we get to make them in real life and write the instructions and features BTW it is a walking chip packet.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

ROBLOX and Dinosaurs

                                                                Living Springs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CAMP! I said to Mum. Let’s eat breakfast, I had four weet-bix. I put my bag in the car and gave my cat a hug goodbye and went to school. When we got there we played for a bit when the parents were putting the bags in the buses. We did roll call and got into bus and drove to “LIVING SPRINGS!” When we got there we did a 30 minute walk. We went back to the farm to have lunch and look at the animals. After that we had to walk up to living springs, it was really long and it was hot! There was a lot of ongaonga that gave me red spots on my legs and arms. My legs were like jelly. We got to the top and put our bags in our bunkrooms. On the first night I slept on the top bunk, And on the second night I was on the bottom bunk. I think I got more sleep on the second night. There were so much fun activities like the bouldering wall, Archery and rifles, Low ropes, Mini golf, Trampolines, The pool, The field and Animal survival was my favorite, It was really fun because you could run around and not try to get tagged and tag others, But there was the dog it could tag anyone. The flood, Hunter and disease got launched at the last 5 minutes of the game. The food was really good, I think the breakfast was the best, On the last day I had four pieces of toast. Then we gathered everyone up and got on the bus and went home.

My word art

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

                                                                  Living Springs
                                                               The Monorail was really fun! I had to wait 10 minutes of more.

                                                                I was scared of the bugs. When I went to wash my hands                                                                                                                     there was a HUGE bug I jumped with fear and ran to the                                                                                                                       other sink and there was another HUGE bug I thought to myself and                                                                                                starred it in the eyes and went to a different sink 

                                                                                     I didn't like the walk because it was HOT!šŸ˜„ I thought my arms and legs                                                                                       would fall off and melt, But I pushed through the pain in my legs.

                                                                             THE END!!